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Specializing in Adults and Adolescents


Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression are common amongst adults and young populations. Generally characterized by feelings and thoughts of worry, sadness, worthlessness, restlessness and fatigue, these can become overwhelming and debilitating. It's of great importance to not only treat the symptoms, but also, the underlying causes. 


The compulsive and uncontrolled engagement of an activity such as: use and abuse of legal/illegal substances, videogaming, gambling, shopping... commonly leads to a detriment of health and an impairment in social relations, work, studies and other aspects of daily life. This can be devastating, not only for the individual, but also for family, close friends and colleagues.


Interpersonal relationships can be complex. In numerous cases, there are unresolved issues within each individual which reflects and affects different relationships: partner, colleagues, siblings, friends... Working on individual aspects can benefit the way in which a person relates to others, communicates, solves problems, and carries out social activities. â€‹

Greater Self-Knowledge
Greater Self-Knowledge

To have a deeper understanding of the "self" can be enlighting as well as empowering. Many times, people act upon dynamics and thoughts which are not really part of who they are, yet they haven't been able to see it as clearly. Through the work carried out in therapy, individuals can have a better perspective of those things which have influence over them, yet they're unaware of. Discover the world of the unconscious, and, discover yourself. 


The issues related to infertility and difficulties in conceiving can be quite challenging. Those involved can experience an array of feelings, emotions and thoughts regarding parenthood, which should be channeled appropriately. Taking the time to explore the different aspects that arise in each person while facing this problem can be very beneficial.


Sports & Performance
Sports & Performance

Train your mind like you train your body! If you are an elite athlete or work in a competitive field, it is highly recommended that you work on those aspects related to the game and your mind that could be limiting your performance. To maximize your potential and personal abilities, you must explore and train your mind in the same way you do in the professional field. 


When migrating, there is inevitably something to lose, as well as something to gain. Leaving behind: family, traditions, work, friends... all in aspirations of a better future or safety, brings about a compilation of aspects to explore. Some involve loss and sadness, others excitement and hope. However, each individual must explore what it is they're truly searching for as well as the adversities the new life presents. 


The "self" you have constructed of yourself is intertwined with the ways others have viewed you, and consequently, your self-esteem. However, this concept you have of yourself isn't always accurate or entirely true. It's of great importance that you have a space to explore, rediscover and redefine yourself, so that your self-perception and your self-esteem align with who you really are.

Parenting & Upbringing
Parenting & Upbringing

The way in which each man or woman internalizes the role and function of father/mother will influence the upbringing of their children. Parenting begins with each parent, exploring their own childhood and family history, so they can then decide, with self-knowledge and deep understanding, how they want to raise their child(ren).

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